Indy Writers Group

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Location: Indianapolis, Indiana, United States

Founded in 2004 by Kate Chaplin, the Indy Writers’ Group is a supportive community of published and pre-published writers of all genres. IWG offers workshops, signings, and bi-monthly meetings for critique and support. IWG is a diverse group with strengths in various areas, such as self-publishing, e-publishing, small presses, freelance writing, technical writing, editing, etc. Within the network of in person events and online you’ll find a community of writers with various backgrounds and experiences that understand the pitfalls and success that plague writers today. Our group can be found Here on Yahoo Groups

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

What Happens At the IWG Meetings....

WHAT HAPPENS AT THE IWG MEETINGS...Ms. Hollywood giggles because she's secretly trying not to share her story about a train, while the other authors share their sweat and tears formed into paragraphs with characters, plot, and themes.
-Ellen Tevault

Hmm... what happens at IWG meetings; well first one visits with friends, old and new. Next if I am the one chosen, first I read my work and while  reading I recognize the many errors i've made and that my work is crap. Ah, but then Ellen says she loves my spunky lead character and the others pick portions they noted. and liked or that I could improve  and they give valueble suggestions for the improvements.Others read from there work and we try to help in whatever way we can. But mostly what happens at IWG meetings is a kind of rejuvination of the soul. One leaves eager to pluck away at the keyboard, tame those wayward villians on the screen, and finish the damn book.
-Eleanor Mason 

IWG Members Are....

IWG members are; interesting, helpful, sincere and always on the internet when they should be working. hehe
-Eleanor Mason 

IWG members are...neurotic, nuts, crazy with a lot of crativity mixed in. Oops! That's just me. LOL IWG members are great friends, creative people, and makers of stories full of wonderful characters, plots, themes, and genres.
-Ellen Tevault

IWG members are inspiring, talented, supportive and for some reason put up with my crazy.
-Kate Chaplin 

Monday, October 13, 2008

Debra Kemp @ Mudsocks!!

IWG Member Debra Kemp will be at Mudsocks Books Saturday, Nov. 8th to sign copies of her books, House of Pendragon Book 1: The Firebrand and House of Pendragon Book 2: The Recruit. 

Come and meet this wonderful award-winning author! Her stories will amaze you! 

Debra Kemp
Saturday, November 8
Mudstock Books & Coursity Shoppe
11631 Fisher's Station Drive
Fishers, IN  

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All Day Critique Retreat

Got this info from our good friends at Meetup's Indy Writers Critique Group.... 

Announcing a new Meetup for Indy Writers Critique Group!

What: Writers' Retreat at Butler University

When: November 1, 2008 8:00 AM

Where: The Writers Studio at Butler University (details)

Meetup Description: Join the Indy Writers Critique Group for our first all-day retreat! Bring your current writing project along, whether in longhand or on your laptop, and we will spend the day together as writers, supporting and critiquing. This is your chance to get away and spend a whole day working on the project. 

The event is free, but a $5 donation is requested. You are also welcome to bring pot-luck snacks, drinks and other brainfood for hungry minds. RSVPs are required due to limited space!

Schedule for the day:

Room opens! Come early if you are an early bird.

Regular check-in time

Independent Writing Time

Brown Bag Lunch and Guest Speaker

Partner Critiques

Individual readings from particpants

Wrap-up and depart!

Parking info:
You can park in most staff and faculty spaces on the Butler campus on Saturdays. Just read the signs. 

Learn more here:

Query Letters Are...

IWG-ers were asked to complete this sentence, Query letters are...
Here were their responses. 

Query letters are my least favorite short stories.
-Jim Henderson

Query letters are...a necessary evil  or
Query letters are...what the literary Gods invented as punishment for aspiring writers

 -Sandi  Sookoo
Third Place - 2008 Celtic Hearts Golden Claddaugh 

Query letters are a stumbling block for an aspiring writer along the path of publication.
Query letters are an introduction of me and my writing to a new business associate, THE EDITOR.
-Ellen Tevault
freelance writer and editor, serving the GLBT, BDSM and erotica communities

Query letters are a road block to submitting work.
-Jerri Yager

Query letters are . . . agonizing and the most difficult writing one can do--Ack!
Debra A. Kemp
The House of Pendragon saga continues!

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IWG-ers at Indy Book Talk

IWG Members were representin' at this year's Indy Book Talk. IWG's own Debra A. Kemp was on a panel about publication in the afternoon. Debra did an amazing job talking about the struggles she endured to see her book into publication.  Fellow IWG-ers, Ellen Tevault, Sarah Gott and Kate Chaplin where there to cheer her on and spread the word of IWG. 

The Book Talk took
 place at Lawrence High School and had local celebrities, Andy Murphy, Dick Wolfsie,
 Mayor Paul Ricketts and Mayor Greg Ballard in attendance.

Presentations were given 
about all aspects of publication from publicity on the Internet to the "real deal" of a book publication timeline. Th
ere were great interviews and Q&A sessions with well-known and award winning writers, and "mall" featuring a freebie table, booksellers, jewelry sellers, info on Indy Reads and more. 

With a lunch sponsored by Olive Garden, it was a  full, fun
 time had by all. Wonderful to have an IWG-er in the brochure!! Way to go Debs!! 

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IWG now on Facebook!

You read right, the group you know and love is now global on Facebook. Search for Indy Writers Group on Facebook groups or use this URL:

Join the Group today!! 

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Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Debra Kemp at Write Stuff Writers' Book Talk!

IWG member and team leader, Debra Kemp, is invited to participate in a panel at the upcoming WriteStuff Writers' Book Talk event October 11. She will have a table to display her books and meet and greet readers. 

For more information about Write Stuff Writers check out
For more information about Debra Kemp and her House of Pendragon Series check out:

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Book Trailer for Wind Dancer

IWG Member Jamie Carie third book is being released by B&H Publishing. Check out the book trailer on You Tube!

IWG-ers Answer: Writing Is...

Each week we ask IWG-ers to finish a sentence. Sometimes it's writing related, sometime it's not. This week the sentance to finish is: Writing is... 

Here is what a few of our members said: 

Writing is . . .  expression, lifeblood and love, a pouring out, a soaking in, a way of meaning in the days, hours, minutes, heartbeats of our lives.

Writing is food for the soul.
Eleanor Mason

Writing is practice for my real job, re-writing. 

Writing is:  my real job, what I do at the bookstore is just a hobby.

Writing is...dreadful to consider but once you get started, it feels so  good.

Writing is...the most difficult and rewarding thing you can do.
Sandi Sookoo

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