Indy Writers Group

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Location: Indianapolis, Indiana, United States

Founded in 2004 by Kate Chaplin, the Indy Writers’ Group is a supportive community of published and pre-published writers of all genres. IWG offers workshops, signings, and bi-monthly meetings for critique and support. IWG is a diverse group with strengths in various areas, such as self-publishing, e-publishing, small presses, freelance writing, technical writing, editing, etc. Within the network of in person events and online you’ll find a community of writers with various backgrounds and experiences that understand the pitfalls and success that plague writers today. Our group can be found Here on Yahoo Groups

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

What's Right & Wrong with American Health Care?

IWG-er Cheryl Shore is going to be moderating a group discussion about health care. 

The emphasis will be sharing stories about personal experiences illustrating what is right - and wrong- with American health care

If you can attend - we'll be meeting at the Starbuck's at 71st and Binford on Thursday 12/18 from 3:30 to 5.  If you can't attend - but still have something you'd like to say, feel free to send Cheryl an e-mail via Indywriters about your experience and She'll include your input in the report. No one will be identified by name. Cheryl will be looking for trends and common themes in the experiences people describe. The report will be going to a committee appointed by Tom Daschle

Also - feel free to spread the word to anyone who may be interested.

Friday, December 5, 2008

Belief Test now on Amazon for only $8.99

Click above to watch the book trailer for The Belief Test: questions to ask yourself on the journey of life. By Kate Chaplin

Published in 2005, The Belief Test is  filled with 285 thought-provoking, fun and enlightening questions that reaffirm and lead to personal discoveries about what believe about yourself and the world around you.

Great for self-searchers, mothers, daughters, sisters, college students and best friends. 

Currently for sale on print $11.99 download $5.30 and for only $8.99. 

Note: listing are sold through Marketplace currently the Karmic Courage Press seller is Kate Chaplin. Kate can personally sign your copy and ship it to you or your gift recipient.

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Join us for a IWG Yuletide Potluck Party, hosted by Debra Kemp. 
Saturday, Dec 20th 7pm-?
Debra Kemp's House
Noblesville, IN 
email for address and to RSVP @

A great time of year to get together and share in our victories and defeats. Great friends, good times, writing games, food and drinks. All religions welcome. Lurkers welcome. Friends and family welcome. Kids welcome.