Indy Writers Group

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Location: Indianapolis, Indiana, United States

Founded in 2004 by Kate Chaplin, the Indy Writers’ Group is a supportive community of published and pre-published writers of all genres. IWG offers workshops, signings, and bi-monthly meetings for critique and support. IWG is a diverse group with strengths in various areas, such as self-publishing, e-publishing, small presses, freelance writing, technical writing, editing, etc. Within the network of in person events and online you’ll find a community of writers with various backgrounds and experiences that understand the pitfalls and success that plague writers today. Our group can be found Here on Yahoo Groups

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Kate Chaplin Hosts Three Workshops at Indiana Filmmakers Network

Kate Chaplin will be giving three workshops at the Indiana Filmmakers Network covering the world of screenwriting.

Kate will offer insights and exercises by breaking down the screenwriting formula:

Who is your hero?
What is his/her problem?
How is he/she going to solve it?

May 13 Kate will be focusing on character as she invites the group to explore, who is the hero of your story?

June 10 Kate will talk about plot lines, by breaking down the second rule of the logline, what is your hero’s problem? Kate will bring along her Index Card method to show screenwriters a new way to see their story.

July 8 Kate will take on the ever-important third act in screenwriting which is, how is your hero going to solve his/her problem? Kate will guide the group through backwards writing technique. Allow writers and filmmakers to see the end result of their story and then challenge them to work backwards, focusing only on cause and effect.

Aug 12 the screenwriting workshops will conclude with the IFN Screenwriters’ Coffee House where an group of screenwriters will gather to talk about the craft of screenwriting.

For information about IFN, it’s meeting times, and locations, check out

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Award-Winning Author to join the IWG Round Table Discussion

Just added to the authors confirmed to appear at the IWG Round Table Discussion on publishing......

Kit Ehrman
Kit Ehrman has combined her love of horses and mysteries by penning an equine-oriented mystery series featuring barn manager and amateur sleuth Steve Cline. Published by Poisoned Pen Press, the series has won numerous awards and has received outstanding reviews in The New York Times, Publishers Weekly, Kirkus, The Denver Post, and Chicago Tribune among others.

Learn all about this delightful author at

The Indy Writers’ Group will host a round table discussion to discuss the current world of publishing June 22, 2008.

E-publishing to giant presses, query letters to multiple book deals – pre-published writers will sit equally with well-known published authors and talk about the pitfalls they have felt and the mountains they have overcome to seek and succeed at publication.

Confirmed authors to appear are: Jamie Carie (Snow Angel, The Duchess and the Dragon), Kit Ehrman, (Triple Cross, Cold Burn), Kate Chaplin, (The Belief Test, First They Came For...), Debra Kemp (House of Pendragon Book 1: The Firebrand, House of Pendragon Book 2: The Recruit), Ellen Tevault (Gay Lifestyle Monthly, Best Date Ever), and Laurelei Dabrielle (In Her Service: Reflections from a Priestess of Aphrodite).

The event will take place June 22, 2008 at the Lawrence Public Library from 1:30pm-4:30pm. Free admission. Writers of all background and experience levels welcome. For more information, or to schedule an interview with the authors, email indywritersgroup(AT)

Updates from Ellen Tevault

IWG team leader Ellen Tevault has been one busy girl! Here are a few of the projects that have been published these past months:

Published article at
Launched a webzine
Edits the webzine
Edits for
Edits for

Lipstick on Her Collar released from Pretty Things Press
Ultimate Lesbian Erotica 2008 released from Alyson Publications
Yes, Ma'am: Erotic Stories of Male Submission released from Cleis Press

As Fred Towers, Ellen has published Flesh to Flesh released from Strebor Books and Ultimate Gay Erotica 2008 from Alyson Publications.

Jamie Carie at Fiction Day!

Jamie Carie will be signing copies of The Duchess and the Dragon this Saturday from 11:00 am – 1:00 pm. It's Fiction Day at the LifeWay Christian bookstore in Castleton. There will be four other Indiana authors signing with Jamie. Lots of prizes, food and specials – all of our books are on sale!! Please come if you can!!

Click here to view the store flyer

Saturday, May 10, 2008

2008 Beach Book Festival Winners Announced

OK, IWG author, Debra Kemp, might not have won, but she did make it as an honorable mention! This makes about four such honors for The House of Pendragon Book 2: The Recruit.

ATLANTIC CITY (May 3, 2008) _ The 2008 Beach Book Festival has announced its selections for its annual competition honoring the hottest reads of the summer season.

The complete list of winners and honorable mentions is online at

Indy Authors Discuss the New Climate of Publishing

The Indy Writers’ Group will host a round table discussion to discuss the current world of publishing.

E-publishing to giant presses, query letters to multiple book deals – pre-published writers will sit equally with well-known published authors and talk about the pitfalls they have felt and the mountains they have overcome to seek and succeed at publication.

Confirmed authors to appear are Jamie Carie (Snow Angel, The Duchess and the Dragon), Kate Chaplin (The Belief Test, First They Came For...), Debra Kemp (House of Pendragon Book 1: The Firebrand, House of Pendragon Book 2: The Recruit), Ellen Tevault (Gay Lifestyle Monthly, Best Date Ever), and Laurelei Dabrielle(In Her Service: Reflections from a Priestess of Aphrodite).

The event will take place June 22, 2008 at the Lawrence Public Library from 1:30pm-4:30pm. Free admission. Writers of all background and experience levels welcome. For more information, or to schedule an interview with the authors, email indywritersgroup(AT)

About Jamie Carie
Jamie’s first novel, Snow Angel, has been flying off the shelves since its fall 2007 release. This spring she found herself nominated by the Romance Writers of America for a RITA award. Her latest novel The Duchess and the Dragon was released earlier this month to rave reviews. Her third novel, Wind Dancer, is slated for a January 2009 release. Currently Jamie is working on her fourth novel.

About Kate Chaplin
Named a "Naptown notable resident" by as well as one of the "most talented writers around today" by the Writer's Page, Kate Chaplin is an author and film maker whose projects have appeared on MTV, local television, film festivals, in print and online. She is the author of The Belief Test and the writer/director of such films as LOSS and First They Came for...

About Debra A. Kemp
Ask Debra why she writes about King Arthur, and she’ll tell you she was summed to do so. The multiple award-winning Debra Kemp is the author of the House of Pendragon Series. She has been favorably reviewed in Arthurianna, Readers View and Crystal Reviews. She is the recipient of such awards as the National Indie Excellence 2007 Book Awards, and the 2007 USA BookNews Best Book Awards.

About Ellen Tevault
Ellen Tevault is a freelance writer, proofreader, editor, and researcher. She is the editor of Gay Lifestyle Monthly, Eros Monthly and Eternal Press. She has had stories published in various anthologies, newsletters, and the Encyclopedia of Indianapolis. She has written book reviews for JIST Publishing, Rainbow Reviews and Speak Its Name at

About Laurelei Dabrielle
Laurelei is the High Priestess of Dragon's Eye Coven within the Clan of the Laughing Dragon and a principal dancer with the Jewels of the Temple (a Pagan dance troupe). She is a Priestess of both Aphrodite and Brighid and has recently published a book in service to Aphrodite entitled In Her Service: Reflections from a Priestess of Aphrodite.

About the Indy Writers’ Group
Founded in 2004 by Kate Chaplin, the Indy Writers’ Group is a supportive community of published and pre-published writers of all genres. IWG offers workshops, signings, and bi-monthly meetings for critique and support. IWG is a diverse group with strengths in various areas, such as self-publishing, e-publishing, small presses, freelance writing, technical writing, editing, etc. Within the network of in person events and online you’ll find a community of writers with various backgrounds and experiences that understand the pitfalls and success that plague writers today.

This program is not sponsored by the Indianapolis-Marion County Public Library.

Saturday, May 3, 2008

Sneak Peak of The House of Pendragon: The Recruit

Debra Kemp, IWG Author of The House of Pendragon series has posted chapter 12 on her myspace blog.

To check it out click here