Kate Chaplin's Niemoller-based short film premieres at Cinephile

The new, powerful, human-rights inspired film by Kate Chaplin will make its big premiere at Cinephile’s 2008 Indiana Festival of Independent Film.
Inspired by the poem by Reverend Martin Niemoller of the same name, First They Came for… is set in a not so distant future where a nondescript regime takes away innocent people while one man struggles between standing up for what’s right and saving himself.
With the help of her award-winning crew and impeccable cast, Kate Chaplin brought the Niemoller poem to life. “It was an ambitious task,” admits writer/director Kate Chaplin, “trying to create a visual story based on the historic poem, but the final film is a powerful display of the importance of human rights.”
Chaplin’s main drive to make this film a reality was to share it with students. “I found in my research that many educators use this poem when talking about human rights, whether it was under the lesson plan of civil rights, woman’s rights, or Holocaust remembrance.” Chaplin was a visual learner in school and wanted to take on the task of taking a powerful message and translate it to the screen so that another generation could perhaps learn visually from its powerful message that indifference is not the answer.
First They Came for…will premiere at the 3rd annual Indiana Festival of Independent Film sponsored by Cinephile Film Arts, Saturday, February 16. Event begins at 3:00pm at the historic Buskirk-Chumley Theater in Bloomington, Indiana. www.cinephilefilmarts.org

For more information about First They Came for, future Karmic Courage Productions, or to schedule an interview, contact Kate Chaplin at karmiccourage(AT)yahoo.com.