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Location: Indianapolis, Indiana, United States

Founded in 2004 by Kate Chaplin, the Indy Writers’ Group is a supportive community of published and pre-published writers of all genres. IWG offers workshops, signings, and bi-monthly meetings for critique and support. IWG is a diverse group with strengths in various areas, such as self-publishing, e-publishing, small presses, freelance writing, technical writing, editing, etc. Within the network of in person events and online you’ll find a community of writers with various backgrounds and experiences that understand the pitfalls and success that plague writers today. Our group can be found Here on Yahoo Groups

Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Priestess of Aphrodite: Midwest Sees Resurgence of Ancient Worship

IWG member and Hoosier author Laurelei Dabrielle is creating a stir in the Heartland by writing a guidebook for priestesses of love and publishing it on, the online marketplace for digital content.

Ms. Dabrielle saw a gap in the New Age/Metaphysical market as she began her own research into the training of ancient priestesses of Aphrodite. Looking for a way to bring the classical practices of grace, charm and even sex into the lives of contemporary men and women, Laurelei wrote In Her Service: Reflections from a Priestess of Aphrodite, the first book to begin the conversation regarding Aphrodite’s service.

Ms. Dabrielle explores some sticky issues in this book – issues that are bound to ruffle some feathers and cause a squawk among the more conservative and sexually inhibited. Topics include cultivating a sense of grace and charm, indulging in sensual experience, understanding sacred sexuality, and conducting the Sacred Marriage (a sexual rite that has been in practice since before the earliest human writings were carved into Sumerian stones).

In Her Service is a must-read for those interested in working with Aphrodite in any form – whether as a priestess, a devotee, or as a simple person who wants to embrace beauty, love, and an enlivened sexual experience. It is available for purchase in print and downloadable forms at is the premier marketplace for digital content on the Internet, with over 300,000 recently published titles, and more than 4,000 new titles added each week, created by people in 80 different countries. Lulu is changing the world of publishing by enabling the creators of books, video, periodicals, multimedia and other content to publish their work themselves with complete editorial and copyright control. With Lulu offices in the US, Canada, the UK and Europe, Lulu customers can reach the globe.

Laurelei Dabrielle is a Neo-Pagan High Priestess living with her husband and two young children in central Indiana. She functions as the Priestess of the Cult of Aphrodite Asteria, a ritual group for the worship of Aphrodite, the Starry Queen of Heaven. Ms. Dabrielle’s work can be found at She is available for comment and interview at 317-385-0146 and


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